Saturday, 31 March 2007

31/03/07: Clock Playing Cards

This is a set of clock playing cards. I think these are a good idea. Suits are defined by colour, and value by the time on the 12-hour clock. This does mean that the Aces and Kings look identical, so I've added the value inside the dot in tiny lettering. Very practical indeed.
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Friday, 30 March 2007

30/03/07: Joynt Splodges

This is based on the joynt fella I designed for

This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Thursday, 29 March 2007

29/03/07: Grey Fades With Dots

This doesn't mean anything, but I like it.
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

28/03/07: My Scale Rule

This is just a scale drawing of my scale ruler. A 1:1 scale drawing. Nuff said.
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

27/03/07: Saint Tony

This is a loverly picture of Saint Tony, our saviour. But wait, silly old Saint Tony has chosen to ride a red horse and carry a sword - just like the second horseman of the apocalypse. You know the one - the bringer of war. Now people are going to get the wrong idea.

This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Monday, 26 March 2007

26/03/07: Herman Mathews' Badass Pies

A staid old company trying to make it's products appeal to gansta yoth! (And yes, I believe that is a crackhouse in the background). This is totally immoral!

This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Sunday, 25 March 2007

25/03/07: Cult of the Blue Monkey

The Cult of the Blue Monkey was an evil sect that briefly rose to power in Britain during the naughties. They failed because the monkey civilians grew to hate perfect cheap yellow bananas all year round.
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Saturday, 24 March 2007

24/03/07: Empower Your Security Staff

Did you know that some big companies are using the 'The Protection from Harassment Act 1997' as a means to supress peaceful protests? No? Nor did I until I saw a Channel 4 news report about it. Amazing! Do a google search on "Radley lakes".

This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Friday, 23 March 2007

23/03/07: In Tony We Trust

Like the Omen, but for real!
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Thursday, 22 March 2007

22/03/07: Duelling Bananas

"I've never seen a straight banana...". This diagram demonstates the correct starting position to perform the dance that goes with the song.
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

21/03/07: Peace Van

This is a peace van with barcoded driver. You can scan the driver's barcode to view his criminal record and ensure that he is peaceful.
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

20/03/07: Free Trips by Road

This is a sample page from the book "The Freeloader's Bible", a book on how to slum through life getting free stuff! Each page is limited to three graphics plates (its easier than reading).
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Monday, 19 March 2007

19/03/07: Welcome to Cowlifornia

Greeting sign found on the outskirts of Cowlifornia (just by the compulsory weigh scales). I hear that they hardly lactate at all.
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Sunday, 18 March 2007

18/03/07: R:\ and G:\ are D:\ead

This started as an ill-remembered memory of "Waiting for Godot". I thought the characters in that were called Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Of course I now know that those characters were called Vladimir and Estragon. Whereas THESE characters ARE Rosencrantz & Guildenstern, from the Tom Stoppard play about two minor players in "Hamlet". Anyway both are absurdist comedies about robots are they not?
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Saturday, 17 March 2007

17/03/07: Movie Poster for 'Ten Strikes'

This is the film poster for "Ten Strikes", an ulta-violent urban-horror updating of Agatha Christie's, ahem, "Ten Little Indians". It's been pointed out to me that I've actually drawn 12 strikes - I'm not amending it though.
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Friday, 16 March 2007

16/03/07: Living Outside The Box

This is the book cover for the autobiography of Schrodinger's Cat after he escapes from Schrodinger's cruel imprisonment and forges a new career on the celebrity circuit. Another four books are planned.
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Thursday, 15 March 2007

15/03/07: Monkey Army

Based on the Terracota Army. But with monkeys!
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

14/03/07: Veve Wallpaper

This is based on the Veve of Papa Legba. I'm thinking green flock and red leather!

This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Tuesday, 13 March 2007

13/03/07: Bush Baby

I was attempting to draw George Bush, but I think I over-simplified it too much. I do like it though as there are clearly two heads here, one face-on, and the other in profile.

This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Monday, 12 March 2007

12/03/07: Brazil

This is the power station in Croydon that they used in the film "Brazil". They knocked it down and put an IKEA there.
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Sunday, 11 March 2007

11/03/07: Fonzie Pope

This is feasible I think. The Fonz was an Italian American right, therefore most probably bought up in the Catholic tradition, and better still, Fonzie was never (to the best of my knowledge) a member of the Hilter Youth or a Nazi. In your face Ratzinger!!!
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Saturday, 10 March 2007

10/03/07: Animals in Science

This is a comic strip that attempts to explain the Schrodinger's Cat experiment. Unsuccessfully, mainly because I don't understand it.

This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Friday, 9 March 2007

09/03/07: 21st Century Bass Noir

Here is another Saul Bass steal. It's me having the milk of human kindness drained from my body by various flim-flam artists.
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Thursday, 8 March 2007

08/03/07: Frankencherie

I'm on a horror groove. Here's a greedy monster.
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Wednesday, 7 March 2007

07/03/07: Count Rumsfled

I based this fella on Gary Oldman in "Dracula".
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Tuesday, 6 March 2007

06/03/07: Papa Legba Alcopops

Vodou Alcopops. How immoral!
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Monday, 5 March 2007

05/03/07: Slice, Dice & Bake

Like Charlie's Angels...but they kill everyone. Every week. Guaranteed.
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Sunday, 4 March 2007

04/03/07: Welcome to Pink

In memory of my father.

This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Saturday, 3 March 2007

03/03/07: Starsky's Dream

First off...yes it is a straight steal of "The Man with the Golden Arm" by Saul Bass. But is it really a straight steal of "The Man with the Golden Arm" by Saul Bass? Or is it in fact an elephant gingerly dipping it's toes into a river of milk? As imagined in a dream. By Starsky.
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Friday, 2 March 2007

02/03/07: Tribe Blair

Very interesting I thought when that great big "W" appeared on Tony Blair's forehead. Even more interesting I thought when it vanished a few days later. What does it all mean?
This artwork is available as a free pdf at:

Thursday, 1 March 2007

01/03/07: Me in a suit

This is just me with a big camouka eye.
This artwork is available as a free pdf at: